The most important thing to know about dyslexia might come as a surprise. We spend a lot of time talking about the challenges faced by individuals with dyslexia. Difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling are commonly the focus of those conversations. We have to be very intentional in remembering that despite those academic difficulties, dyslexia has nothing to do with an individual's intelligence.

That, my friends, is the most important thing you need to know -and consistently apply- when teaching or supporting individuals with dyslexia. In spite of the difficulties faced in academic settings, our dyslexic children need to know that they are capable, intelligent, and equipped with their own God-given strengths. They need to know that they are not defined by their difficulties.
How do we do that? Here are a few suggestions...
Talk about how the brain works! Help students understand that their brains are perfectly capable of thriving, especially when they are taught the way they need to learn.
Highlight specific strengths made possible because of their dyslexic brain! To quote Dr. Sally Shaywitz, "Dyslexia is an island in a sea of strengths." We have to be realistic about the challenges posed by dyslexia, BUT it can also be empowering to highlight some of those strengths as well -especially when they stand out in a child's personality. Check out a few possible strengths in the graphic below.
Take time to recognize (and give students opportunities to use) any of their strengths whenever possible! This will be paramount to helping foster their confidence, even in the face of tremendous difficulties in other areas.
Look for opportunities for dyslexic students to find success outside the classroom. Seek opportunities in your community where dyslexic students can thrive and use their strengths in big ways. Local arts or theater groups, community outreach programs, or mentoring opportunities for older students are just a few ideas in which dyslexic students can have a unique advantage for success.
Praise all accomplishments, big and small. There is no growth too little to celebrate!
Incorporate their strengths into your teaching. I have one particular student who loves pictures. It's obvious that he is a very visual thinker. So when we are working on a new skill, he sketches his own unique visual representation of the new skill as I introduce it. It's a great way to process his own understanding and make connections with new ideas!
These are only a few suggestions, but hopefully they'll help you start to look for intentional ways to reinforce the strengths among your dyslexic students. I assure you, your efforts will not go unnoticed; our students know when we truly believe in their potential!