So... you want to spend more time teaching syllable division in your daily instruction? WONDERFUL! But... you don't know exactly where to start? You're not alone. In fact, I know a lot of teachers who don't invest much time teaching syllable division for several reasons: (1) It seems tedious. (2) There are too many rules, and it's overwhelming to decide exactly how to structure instruction. (3) Who has time for that??? Can you relate to any of these? No judgement here... there's a lot to teach every day, and syllable division can easily get pushed to the back-burner if you aren't determined to intentionally use it every day. Here's the thing, though... teaching students the rules for syllable division can drastically impact their abilities to decode multisyllabic words accurately and fluently. It translates into their writing as well by supporting their ability to spell multisyllabic words. So it really, really is important, even if you aren't a phonics nerd like me. 😉
I have something to share today that just might support your instruction in syllable division.
First of all, you need a good set of reference posters. I actually have several versions of these displayed in different areas of my classroom, and I find my students using all of them at different times. Explicit instruction with each syllable division pattern is necessary; the more visual aids you provide for your students, the more capable they will be of applying the division rules to their independent reading and writing. Never doubt the value of a good reference poster to support your phonics instruction!

I also think it's important to provide students with multiple opportunities to apply rules for syllable division in isolated, focused activities. Word sorts are excellent for this! I also created a roll-and-read activity to help students build fluency with decoding multisyllabic words based on specific syllable division patterns. These are both great options to help students train their eyes and minds to recognize and apply rules of syllable division.

Finally, I think it's beneficial for students to independently apply phonics skills to create something tangible. Syllable division is no exception, and there are tons of activities/products students can make using syllable division patterns. One thing I have created that seems to resonate well with my students (and is also a helpful take-home tool for parents to reference as well!) is an interactive syllable division flip book. Typically, I lay the groundwork for this project in a small-group setting. We do a page or two together as we focus on the initial syllable division patterns. By the time students are halfway through their flip books, most of them have developed the understanding to complete the remaining pages independently.

These are just a few materials on which I have come to rely to help support my students' understanding, and application, of syllable division. If you are interested in accessing these to use with your students, click here.
If you are looking for more information for teaching about the types of syllables, this product has a companion pack! Teaching Syllable Types: Reference Posters and Activities! is now available in the Tally Tales store! It focuses exclusively on the types of syllables within words, and it is a great resource to use in conjunction with my syllable division pack.
Do you have any questions about instruction with syllable division patterns? Any specific needs? Let me know... I am always interested in hearing feedback or learning about new ways to support fellow teachers!