Since we all love a good freebie, I thought I would share one of my favorites, available in the Tally Tales TPT store! This one is particularly useful for your small group instruction in phonemic awareness. If you don't already have a set of elkonin boxes, head on over and grab this set for free!

Elkonin boxes are great for building phonemic awareness because they help students focus on segmenting a given word into its individual sounds. If you use these boxes the way I suggest in my How-To guide (also included in the freebie!), then this can also become a very tactile experience for your students as well!

Sometimes the hardest part is determining which words are appropriate to use with your students. Considering this, I provided three different Elkonin Box sets for words containing 3, 4, or 5 phonemes (sounds). Then I included a corresponding word list for each set of Elkonin Boxes.
Basically, the hardest part of using this resource will be printing it out. How easy is that?!?

I sincerely hope you can use these items with your young readers! Please feel free to comment or use the contact form if you have any questions about this particular resource. Otherwise, head on over to the Tally Tales TPT store and snag it now! :)